Little Watercolor


This is a little something I made yesterday, but I don't know what it is. I named it Vista Cart. It's watercolor and gouache, 10 x 7 inches.

Your lines produce great 3D like the ceiling over the cart. Delightful eye full. Leaves me wondering which is a good thing.
Your lines produce great 3D like the ceiling over the cart. Delightful eye full. Leaves me wondering which is a good thing.
This. ^^ I like the phrase "delightful eye full."

Ayin, your work is always bursting with bright happy colors, shapes and detail that just lets the viewer simply enjoy them. Even when the subject matter is disturbing or subversive (not at all present in this one), there's a bright spot or bit of fun for balance.

This one's nothing but quirky bright fun - I love it! ❤️
Very cool. I think I say that about all your paintings because they are. Terri said it well.

I see roller skates but maybe that's just because I was just watching a BBC documentary on Robert Rauschenberg and he did a dance production where the dancers were on roller skates.
Not quite seeing roller skates in my future, but would be happy to use a cart/walker like that.
Wayne: Wondering is good. Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! Love it. ❤️
CaliAnn: Thank you so much for your words. I appreciate it, and you! ❤️
Terri: You always floor me with your responses to my work and give me major encouragement to keep making art. That means the world! ❤️
Jo: Thank you so much! I appreciate this! ❤️
John: I love all wheels-type things and I'm so glad this reminded you of Rauschenberg and roller skates. Both bring me joy. But I can't roller skate anymore :( ❤️
JennieJo: Thank you so much! I didn't know what I was making, but it looked like a cart with some kind of landscape thing coming out of it. ha ha ha ❤️
I know what it is, it's one of those. ;) I really like this, the more I look at it the more I see. The imagination can see a cross between a steamboat, a garage and a house, but it is strictly abstract. Good stuff. ❤️❤️
sno: you're too funny (and more imaginative than me)! Thank you.❤️
Kay: Thank you, very much! ❤️
Joy: Your feedback makes me feel better about this, thank you so much. ❤️