Less Stress


Well-known member
"Less Stress:" - 18"x24" oil on panel
comments welcomed


I used to have one of those squeezy eye-popping stress things and it’s great to see it as a work of art. Very cool piece and beautiful cats too.
Thank you all. The pic with the cats is from a mock-up. "Panic Pete" - was the name of the original stress squeezy. . I started off on this thinking it would make a cool graphic, but Pete has not held up well imo, time has passed it by.
Thank you, thank you much appreciated. It's amazing how back in the day a hand squeezie could keep people so captivated.
Not exactly your usual wonderful night scene, but captivating nonetheless. Are your cats Abyssinians? They are very elegant.
Thanks Susan - the cats are all pixels. - it is from canvy.com - an online sight that lets you add you painting to various rooms for staging.
I have dogs now, but had a Siamese for 15 years - that I still miss dearly.
Weird and wonderful! I've never seen the 'panic Pete' thing or anything quite like it (I've only ever seen regular squeeze-balls) so this is a completely new face to me!

That canvy thing is clever. It's art in itself and it makes a sort of collaborative end result when combined with your painting. The two hairless cats really add to the weird wonderfulness of the whole thing! (y)
Ah, cats that are mere pixels. I guess they won't scratch you then. I sympathize on the loss of your Siamese. I have two Tonkinese (Siamese+Burmese) that I really should do a portrait of one of these days. Interesting to know of canvy.
Dogs can be nice too.