Lena’s Apple.


Well-known member
This one I did following lena danya’s apple tutorial.
Its 5”x5” on canvas paper.
I think I added too much detail to the background and my apple seems less detailed and duller then the original. Other then that I'm ok with it.
lena's apple.jpg

Anything else that really needs done before taking it down?
Any opinions, advice, or criticism is welcome.
Thank you all.
I think I'm going to do a little bit more work on it yet before I call it done.
Beautifully done.
I had to laugh a little when you mentioned the background that you thought too detailed. I once had a drawing class and we were drawing Julio, a beautiful male model. Then I worked a lot on a vein that was protruding in his neck. My teacher who was amazing noticed it and whispered to me to retitle it ‘the Vein’.
Not saying that you did that but it is something important when you are working on near perfect. 😊