It was sagging from age, being 100 years old or so. But I also have a distortion that come in from using Photoshop to skew/distort the snapshot to get it square. The paper curls and the perspective changes, so I have to use those PS mechanisms to try to straighten it out.Your outings with your painting group always sound like a blast.I agree with Anne: your palette is excellent here.
But hmm. The proportions seem off on the side, the window especially. If that barn was sagging from age that would explain it - hard to tell from my phone, too!
Great shot of this old barn, Bart! Your palette really did this old structure justice. You're right, the angle here is different from your painting, but there are definitely some sagging doors and loose wood in the old beauty! It does show a different vertical mainly for that upper window, and the roof line takes an odd swoop, front and back, which you captured quite well.Terri, the barn may be a bit distorted due to a problem I've been having with perspective. Since my easel is off to my left (or sometimes right), the tilt can put me off verticals a bit on structures. I'll have to work on that. But here's a photo of that barn from a similar (not quite the same) angle: View attachment 30061