Last of 2021 ..


old man

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Dec 31/21 .. a piece of a former study


11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Dec 31/21
I had paint left over and wanted to use it as it was starting to get past the point of my liking.
I really love the top one (very much). It has a beautiful palette and interesting gestures. Great job!
Thank you Ayin.... Things are not what they appear .. on the way to town there is a pile of snow and rock. As you come over the hill it comes into view and you want to brake each time because it so looks like a car upside down in the ditch .. as you get closer you realize is is only and illusion or a door to your imagination.
I like the first one! As a scifi fan, I see ..... exterminate exterminate robots rule :)
It really has an other wordly feel. Lovely colours and shapes. If thats your view on the road, its stunning.
.. as you get closer you realize is is only and illusion or a door to your imagination.
I like way your mind works. If one is open to misunderstanding the narrative of the eyes, then there are potential sources of material everywhere.
I'll take the upside down car over the robotic overlords any day! Actually, my first thought was that an old tree was flipping us off, or maybe it's just bidding farewell to 2021. I like paintings with stories so this one works for me.
Thank you Murray.. it does resemble a robot in the one area.

Thanks Lamar .. yes, and the ghostly images they imparted on our minds

Thank you Donna .. yes in that one the animals rule. I was going to call it the broken seal and that was in relation to the big seal I see, the summer cloaked rabbit, and don't forget the pink castle that is falling apart from the explosion of Pharos in the sky. 🤗 I love imagination.
Love them. Thanks for your interpretation of the second one. I saw the seal but then had another look and see the rabbit and the Pharos. So interesting!