Landscape, Abstract, Animal, Mineral


Yesterday, I finished this messy little oil painting of a pile of rocks. They seem too abstracted to be in the Landscapes forum, so I'm putting it here. This was almost experimental to see if I could make myself be "freeer" with the pain and not be so concerned with every little mark, and it was difficult for me. I don't know how I feel about it yet. I like it one minute, the next I'm not so sure. ...But here it is: 20 x 16 inches, oil on canvas.

I'm calling it "Slop Rock."

Arty, that “freedom” is certainly noticeable all over the piece, if one compares it with other works of yours. I like it! I for one think that it’s a step in the right direction. The notion of “telling the story without really telling it” (meaning using visual “hints” in a very free manner, sometimes even irresponsibly) is a thing that I’ve been laboring on for years. Still far from where I’d like to be. Keep it going! Bravo!
I like it very much! ❤️ 🧡💛💚💙 I can certainly understand trying to be freer and looser with your painting. I have tried very unsuccessfully to be a looser painter and decided I am doomed to just be a nit-picky painter. :giggle:
I like it very much! ❤️ 🧡💛💚💙 I can certainly understand trying to be freer and looser with your painting. I have tried very unsuccessfully to be a looser painter and decided I am doomed to just be a nit-picky painter. :giggle:
My dear Sno, wow, so befitting…. We each have our strengths and abilities. Yours in the realm of realism are outstanding!!
WOW! Thank you, all of you. I am surprised at this feedback and really, really appreciate it. It gives me a LOT of incentive for sure. I have some sustenance to get into my next few pieces now.

THANK YOU! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ :giggle:
That's pretty nifty! Love the colors, and the use of them, too, as well as the shapes.
Lovely colors, Arty.

The rocks look very anthropomorphic to me, which look worn river and beach rocks have.
Thank you trufflecat. I like your title better. I do have another painting called Mt. Candy... but maybe I will incorporate "candy" into this one too. Thanks for the idea. ♥️
I thought the topic title was the title of the painting (until I actually read the opening post).
I think it would fit, "Landscape, Abstract, Animal, ,Mineral" ;)
Looks like I already wrote the title on the back of this canvas in pen. Oh well. I like it, so that's that. Slop Rocks it is. :LOL: