It's Still There


Well-known member
This is a watercolour sketch on 9" x 12" 300 gsm Winsor & Newton watercolour paper, drawing inspiration from a painting by Kaname Kano.

It's Still There.jpg
A lovely scene! I like how the line of the trees leads you into the distance. And a good bridge too. 🙂
CaliAnn, Margaret...Thank you.
CaliAnn...I am glad that you like the clouds, though that is not how I had intended them to turn out. 😄
I just found out that the name of the artist whose work inspired me is Andre Kano, and not Kaname Kano.
How did I miss this?

Excellent quick sketch- very good distance, good comp balance.

Are you going to work this up large?
Kay, Jo, and JStarr...Thank you. My apologies for such a delayed response. Somehow I saw your comments only now.
How did I miss this?

Excellent quick sketch- very good distance, good comp balance.

Are you going to work this up large?
Thank you.
Yes. This is one scene that I would like to paint again, and to a larger size. But I plan to do that only after I have improved my sky painting skills.