Enyaw old man Messages 8,092 Sep 1, 2020 #1 It is paint and digital and being digital it can be any size in an 11 to 14 ratio Attachments 2.jpg 168.3 KB · Views: 164
laf.art Well-known member Messages 1,504 Sep 1, 2020 #2 Love the way you've put this together, really rich and dark with those lovely touches of blue
Enyaw old man Messages 8,092 Sep 1, 2020 #4 Thank you Laf and Arty. When I win a lottery I'll make an oil 6 feet by 4. It would be a decent abstract. For now it's in a digital file drawer.
Thank you Laf and Arty. When I win a lottery I'll make an oil 6 feet by 4. It would be a decent abstract. For now it's in a digital file drawer.
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,703 Sep 1, 2020 #5 I like it too, it's hard to decide which is paint and which digital.