Impression of a hunter (also posted in Ink)


Supporting Member
This is 16 x 20 on 140# hot press watercolor. It is primarily Noodler’s Walnut ink with Walnut and Lexington Gray in Noodler’s Flex Nib fountain pen. I had fun with this!
Fascinating and beautiful, and that's a great combo. An attractive brain teaser.
Thanks all, I really like how the walnut ink gave me so much variation. Isn’t it funny how the ink color goes from reddish to greenish to beige to brown to nearly black?
I struggled with the detail being lost. Since it’s ink, it’s bonded to the paper whereas with watercolor I could lift some of the color. It is clearer full size. What if I add some white? Or just leave it? Thoughts are welcomed!
Beautiful Scamall. I love the detail of the ink and the soft color over it. Great work on the bird and the grasses.
Beautiful sense of movement and action in this! No, I wouldnt add white, it's wonderful the way it is and the transparency of the ink adds to its effectiveness - by adding white you would lose some of that effect.
This is so cool!!! Gorgeous ink color - if you hadn't mentioned the variations you got from this walnut ink, I would have assumed several different colors were used.

You are so good! I just love this. ❤
I love this! It feels both fresh and modern with your technique and also very classic. Beautifully done!