Iguana - course project


Well-known member
Hurricane Ian put a hitch in my art class project. An iguana in ink. The estimated time for the lesson was 6 hours in 1 week but ended up more like 8-9 hours over 3 weeks due to life. So it seemed like it was never ending. I learned a lot. One thing I learned is I need a lot more practice which is evident. Overall I am glad it is done and it was a good lesson.


It's an outstanding and detailed ink drawing, Joe. It was a very good lesson. I like the combination of different styles of cross-hatch on iguana and the background.
It's an excellent drawing Joe, so much detail. I too really like the hatching.
Donna, jo and Snowball - Thank you for kind words and the boost to my art ego. 👍🏽

Stumbled on this late, but have to add my praise to all the comments above. What a fantastically exotic creature you've created 😂😍 He or she looks curious, and expectant, and is probably about to skitter off on a new adventure 😃 full of life ☀️
Beautifully done Joe. I love the texture and dimension you were able to achieve.
Wow! I missed this one until today. You should feel proud of this one, despite that "never-ending" feeling of time invested! Well worth it for an outcome like this. Your detail work is excellent! Great job.
How did I miss this? Every minute you worked on this was worth it! From one who spends a lot of time on paintings and is frequently disappointed in the results, I would be ecstatic with these results. Perhaps you could frame this as inspiration to your talent, dedication, and perseverance.

BTW, what pen/s did you use?
Joy, thanks for all the kind words. Used Micron pens (08, 03, 005.). on 9x12in on Bellofly Mixed Media paper.
Joe, thanks ever so much for the speedy reply. The pens i purchased recently were the same , in a set of 08, 10 and 12. I mainly used the 08 and 10. After viewing other pen artists, I decided to try it out, especially as I have a lot of watercolor with which to augment the drawing. If my skill level would amount to a fraction of this beauty of yours, I would be thrilled.