I can' Stop .. Painting is an addiction!


old man

Off Road Logging Road .. Mud Run

Martin's River


Martin's River II

All are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nov 26/23
All beautiful renditions. I love your landscapes!! ❤️

I must be a sucker for angled lines, because I can't stop staring at the middle one, of Martin's River. The blues in the middle of that yellow orange are regal!
This is a good thing to be addicted to! These are such textural treats for the eyes. The blue spots of reflected sky in the first one really appeal to me. Even a muddy road can be beautiful!
Thank you Ayin. The first is my fave.

Thank you Terri. Better in real as my camera puts too much chroma on blue.

Thanks Missippie Hippie. Colour rules.

Thank you Donna. agree, beauty is all around us and those who have eyes to see, will see.
I like the first two the best. All are great but the blue in the last one is a bit too intense for my taste. Well done! ❤️ 🍃
Thanks Sno .. in my reply to Terri I addressed that problem .. the camera intensifies the chroma of blue. I can't tone it down .. you'll have to visit me to see the real scene. (y)