Hockney going immersive


Well-known member
I had no desire to see Hockney until I accidentally wandered into his "Bigger" exhibit years ago at the De Young in San Francisco. My eyes were opened to his range of media, subjects and styles. And among some of his newer media, video and iPad done truly bigger! Then I started watching interviews with him; a very wide ranging intellect and he "discovered" some Renaissance secrets to boot. Love his stuff now (not everything all the time, but that's true of everyone.)

So now he's not only getting the immersive treatment in London, he's actively collaborating on the show. That should be very different than a pseudo-psychedelic warehouse treatment of Van Gogh in my book. Let's see if they can do him justice.
I am none too enthusiastic about his ideas about Renaissance secrets. But I do like a lot of his paintings. Interesting documentary about him here:

I love Hockney nowadays but didn't used to. I don't know what changed. I guess my tastes and seeing more of his work. Also, perhaps listening to his intellect on all things art. I also didn't like his digital stuff, at first, but the beauty of the imagery was hard to deny. A long time ago I was compared to him here and there and I would take it as an insult or something, or think it was intended as such, but now I don't.

I also recently went to that van Gogh thing that people are talking about. Those projections on the walls. I forget what it's called, but I rather liked it. It was impressive and not meant to be an "exhibit." It was just supposed to be an experience, and it was.