T Trier Supporting Member Messages 1,173 Jul 25, 2021 #1 When I was trying wOil Scene is out my then kitchen window after the loggers decimated the hill. Since overgrown and no trail. 16x20 in wOil/posterboard looks better here than IRL - photo adjustments
When I was trying wOil Scene is out my then kitchen window after the loggers decimated the hill. Since overgrown and no trail. 16x20 in wOil/posterboard looks better here than IRL - photo adjustments
Artyczar Moderator Messages 13,490 Jul 25, 2021 #2 I love how you make your compositions diagonal on hills. I think it's refreshing. brave. original and different. I love these saturated greens and yellows. Very cool!
I love how you make your compositions diagonal on hills. I think it's refreshing. brave. original and different. I love these saturated greens and yellows. Very cool!
Enyaw old man Messages 8,092 Jul 25, 2021 #3 I like this. My take on the comp is that you are painting from photo reference and not caring to correct the camera. It works. Nice piece.
I like this. My take on the comp is that you are painting from photo reference and not caring to correct the camera. It works. Nice piece.
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,708 Jul 25, 2021 #4 I like it. Gives the feeling of the wind blowing. Nice.
N ntl Contributing Member Messages 1,574 Jul 25, 2021 #5 Sno's right-it does have the feeling of wind blowing. Great, virbant coloring!
J joe1It Well-known member Messages 3,972 Jul 26, 2021 #6 true, I also see movement,nice, another beautiful work.