Hello from North Carolina


Well-known member
... the Piedmont region, more specifically. (I also go by the name "RiJoRi" on some sites.)
I and my wife are ex-pat "Noo Yawkuhs" from "Lawn Guyland". I am a retired embedded systems programmer (brains for vending machines, alarm systems, etc.). Coming down here wasn't too great a shock - DW & I grew up on Long Island before the building boom of the 60's.
Artistically, I enjoy pastels (oil, dusty, and water soluble), paints (oil, water colors, and paint sticks), pencils and pens. I also like photography - film and digital.
Finally, I'd like to say that what gives any site its character is the people on it, and how they interact. [/Soapbox]

Welcome Rich! I'm glad you joined - I don't think you'll be disappointed. Great site, great people and great art! Can't wait to see what you share with us! :)
Welcome, Rich! There are plenty of people here who share in the pursuit of mastering the art materials you mention, so I'm sure you'll fit right in :)
Hi Rich, and welcome to the site. So glad to have you on board. I look forward to getting to know you and your work. Please make yourself at home. :)
Welcome to Creative Spark, Rich! We're glad you decided to join us.

I'm looking forward to seeing your work! :) It sounds like you have a lot to share with us.
Thanks, "Arty" and Terri!
I had been active a while back, but life interfered. 😕 I'm trying to re-awaken my muse, but she's still snoring!

Rich, welcome and have fun. My muse wanders off a lot. The Scavenger Hunts from Life in the Art from Life section have kept me going.