Hello from NorCal

You might also be a watercolorist! We all fall for pigment paranoia (I don't have enough!), not to mention equipment anxiety, and that's even before confronting the blank canvas.

There is a cure for this madness. Go out and paint. Stay in and paint. Just effing paint! You might be surprised, amazed and delighted.

BTW, watercolor is considered by many to be the most daunting medium, because correction is most difficult (but not impossible always). A foray into a more forgiving medium could help. And gouache is really just opaque watercolor, mixes well with transparent watercolor, BUT it's correctable in many ways. Just 3 primaries and an opaque white in gouache with your watercolors may help ease the pain.
Welcome Mark! So glad to have you here, especially since you are a great comedian too. ;) ♥️

I look forward to seeing your work if you care to share any.
Welcome to the forum! We're happy you decided to join us! Hope you decide to share some of your work here. :)
Glad to have you here Mark, welcome! Make yourself at home and get in and use some of those supplies before you get any older! :giggle:
Hi Mark, welcome to Creative Spark 👋 Looking forward to seeing some of your work, or feel free to chat about pigment and brushes if you want! I myself am a watercolour paper hoarder. 🙂