Hello again - coming back after long absence


Well-known member
I've been dithering over whether to post in "welcome" board or this one. I swear there used to be a big ol' "what have you been doing lately" thread which would surely be the best place rather than making an entirely new thread, but I can't find it.

I don't recall why I initially stopped posting here, but a lot of bad stuff happened in my life and I had so much going on that I forgot the forum existed. Then when things settled down a bit, I wanted to go back to this place but couldn't remember what it was called! Do you know how hard it is to find a web address when you don't know what website you're looking for?

My life right now: I'm 24-7 live-in carer for a disabled parent (the nice one). The nasty/abusive one is in a nursing home until May 2023 when there will be a reassessment. Caring for Nice Parent, even though they're nice, is hard work and sad work and sometimes disgusting work and my country is falling apart at the seams and the future looks BAD but personally I'm feeling like things are... kinda ok. Better than they used to be actually because domestic abuser parent is not here which means quality of living has gone up even if we can't afford to fix things that break or eat the fancy foods we used to eat!

I tried to do Inktober again but only made it through ten days as I just did not care at this time and the lack of passion was obvious. Got a few nice illustrations out of the ten days though.

After Inktober fail I stopped doing art entirely for a while but am starting to pick things up again a bit now and hope to get more of a steady routine going if things start to finally freakin' settle down for me. I have acrylic paintings and ink drawings/sketches and alcohol marker ATCs to share once some stuff is scanned/photographed.

thank you for reading my blog post, please accept these seagulls as a token of my esteem


  • seagulls-study.png
    305 KB · Views: 80
Hi welcome back, good that you are in a better place now.
About that Inktober "fail". That's not a fail at all; you did 10 prompts, that's a third of the list! Alot further them my inktobers upp til last year, where I to my own astonishment almost did all.
But in my book it does not matter if you did one, five, ten or all thirty one, each piece of art you managed to make especially in such hectic, difficult and busy circumstances as yours is a big win.
Lovely gulls btw.
Hi Drizzlewither, so glad you found us again. Sorry you've been through such a tough time and good to hear things are better for you.

I agree with what E.J.H. says about Inktober - not a fail at all! It's hard keeping up a routine like that, especially with other things happening that need your attention, so be proud! :)

Good to see you are back, looking forward to seeing some of your work, and I love your gulls.
Welcome back, Drizzlewither! I'm sorry you had to live through such a tough time, especially when it pulls you away from being able to make art. Your gulls are lovely! Very nice work on both the gulls and all that swirling water. Good job, and I'm so happy you were able to find us again and post your work here.

With aging parents, nothing is easy and having been through some of this myself, I can feel for you. You're in for the long haul and it will continue to be hard - BUT I hope you have found a way to keep your creative outlet closer now than before. Even if you don't have new work to post, stay with us, even if you just pop in to say Hi and look at what others are doing. :) Hope things continue to be better for you. ❤️
Hi, I remember well your wonderful art, beautiful seagulls.
it's nice to read you again. 10 works for inktober is not a failure.
important, the wish is that you can create your magnificent art when you feel like doing it and that you like it, that it gives you joy, admiring it gives joy to others. regardless of the medium you use. best wishes for everything

the post you said was this, I hope you don't mind if I put the link, I also haven't seen it for a while, in fact it was among the posts I wanted to double check.
Hello Drizzleweather! So glad you have found your way back and sorry you are having so much stress to deal with now. Art does help get us through the bad times or at least it has for me. Seagulls are exciting! I can't wait to see your other works pop up. I will put you in my prayers along with our country, too.
Welcome back drizzle. It's nice to see you again. I definitely understand taking care of elderly parents, especially at the same time. It's a lot. I hope you are also finding time to take care of yourself too. That's super important at a time like this. Love your seagulls!!! They are peaceful, and beautiful. Be good to yourself! ❤️ 🤗
Welcome back. Sorry you are having a hard time. My husband and I are now the aging parents. Hard on the kids (also aging adults.) Lovely to see your birds and hear from you. Life gets in the way of art sometimes. Hope the art helps.
Deforges, I'm happy to hear that to re-read you on the forum and be able to admire your work
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