Happy Summer solstice!


Supporting Member
I just looked outside and there's an amazing view of a perfect crescent moon, with Venus nearby. ❤️
The days officially get shorter from here on out, though it won't seem obvious for a couple of months.

Clear, beautiful night here - hope it's lovely in your neck of the woods!

That is all!
We went almost 20 days without rain here in the Cleveland area followed by a week of constant showers that ended last weekend. We spent Sunday cooking out on the grill and sitting around a fire until midnight. We had a couple warm and humid days... but not enough to need air conditioning yet... which is great for keeping the electric bill low. Last night was clear, cool, and breezy and it's stayed in the lower 60s today which was idea weather for working on paintings under multiple spotlights.
It's been kinda cool here in the high desert still. Hasn't even hit 80 quite yet, and cool mornings and evenings. I'm sure that will change in the next week.
Our weather is supposed to change tomorrow. The last couple of days have been in the 70s and low 80s with sporadic rain. Tomorrow it's predicted to hit 90. As we are on the top floor of an older house and heat rises it looks like we'll be digging out the air conditioner tomorrow.


I only put up with summer here because Fall, Winter and Spring are darned near *perfect*

It's waaaaaaay too hot out there
It was 90 yesterday and is supposed to hit 100 by the weekend! Holy cow!!! That came fast.