From Indians to Cowboys (xpost)


Well-known member
Great day with the Burlingame Plein Air Painters in Marin at Olompali State Park. Historic site for 6,000 years of habitation, including a famous hippie commune in the 60s! Miwok huts too.
I snagged two watercolor line and wash paintings, about 7x9" and 6x9" respectively.
B. Charlow 2022, Novato, CA
Olompali 1.jpg
Olompali 2.jpg
Both are very good, but that top one is a beauty!
I like the way you went loose with the drawing, especially in the foliage. Look at the palm on the far right in the second pic, for instance: some swirly ink lines and some green dashed on, and that's enough for me to read it as a palm! Very nice, Bart!
Those are the best kind of works as it makes you recall the scenes, time and place so well. Great job!