Friend's vineyard day


Well-known member
Took our group to a small private vineyard and we had a blast. I painted 3, but was really only happy with 2. First was the vineyard view in Nupastel on WC paper and it was pedestrian. Second was gouache of pomegranates on their tree on multi-media paper. Both 9x12. Last was a 5 minute sketch in ink on paper of one of our painters, about 5x7". Had fun, great fall weather.
Phil's vineyard nov 2024.jpg

Pomegranate tree.jpg
Jaladhi painting.jpg
I like all of them! 🤩🤩🤩 I think they are very good. Can't pick a favorite but ..
.. the first one is very interesting, I like the wine growing in the front area and the way it leans downwards. The middle area and distant mountains are swinging in rhythm together with the front area wine. Paintings should be about rhythm like musical notes, I was always taught. I find that rhythm in the first painting. The red house and cypress and palm trees are there added perfectly to the composition. Very unique painting, actually!
Thanks, Grapes. Any time you want to share a bottle of your namesake, just whistle.
I like all of them! 🤩🤩🤩 I think they are very good. Can't pick a favorite but ..
.. the first one is very interesting, I like the wine growing in the front area and the way it leans downwards. The middle area and distant mountains are swinging in rhythm together with the front area wine. Paintings should be about rhythm like musical notes, I was always taught. I find that rhythm in the first painting. The red house and cypress and palm trees are there added perfectly to the composition. Very unique painting, actually!
BTW, I"m with you on the rhythm concept. I have always seen the rows of grapevines as similar to musical notation.
John, ironically, I prefer the sketch too. A few minutes of loose pen impressions sometimes beats my overworked painting or pastel work.
Donna & Grapes,
Pomegranates grow in many climates, but do best in Mediterranean ones, which for me includes California. They are lovely little trees that have interest in every season, including winter when they drop their leaves. The fruits are gorgeous inside and out and make wonderful subjects for still life. And they taste delicious too!
I thought many times about planting one in my yard, but hesitated because they are deciduous and I tend toward evergreen plants and bushes, since I have a 365 day growing season here in the Bay Area.
My friend's bush beside his vineyard was just lovely, and he left the fruit on the tree for us to be able to paint deliberately.
He had citrus trees, bougainvillea, roses, succulents and many kinds of trees surrounding the property. Wherever you looked they had a lovely view, in large compass and small. Oh, and naturally a good wine cellar!
If any of you are ever in the area, let me know and I can hook you up with our painting group. We go to truly interesting areas.