Death of a giant, looks like. You caught a terrific angle, too: light on the living side, far more shadow of death on the dead side.

(Forgive my off-subject question, but what is sticking out of the background tree just right of center- looks like six straight-up dead branches? Unusual)
Thank you so much for your very insightful thoughts, they brought a perspective I had never even considered. The six straight up branches are a post and barbed wire fence which I tried really hard to get to fade into the background.
That is one interesting subject, that tree. It's beautiful. At first, I thought it was too symmetrical, but because the tree itself is not, it works for me. The fence thing in the distance on the right does not bother me. It makes it a tad more interesting. It looked like a cell tower to me. Nice one! ♥️
This reminds me of a tree I used to drive by all the time - it looked just like that after it got struck by lightning
That is one interesting subject, that tree. It's beautiful. At first, I thought it was too symmetrical, but because the tree itself is not, it works for me. The fence thing in the distance on the right does not bother me. It makes it a tad more interesting. It looked like a cell tower to me. Nice one! ♥️
Cell tower! That makes more sense than posts and barbed wire!
Hi JStarr, thanks for the input. The posts and barbed wire are not part of the focal point tree but an answer to a question from you about the sticks next to the tree in the background. I really like the idea from Artyczar that the focal point tree could be a cell tower, it would blend in 100% better than the steel or concrete monoliths that are erupting around rural areas in England to ensure future communications.
This reminds me of a tree I used to drive by all the time - it looked just like that after it got struck by lightning
Hi CaliAnn, thank you so much for your reply. The tree is just outside a village in Metheringham, England and was indeed once struck by lightning - you are very perceptive. I watched this tree as it changed over time with one half seeming to recover an thrive whilst the other continues to be dormant even today.