
Thank you Donna. Yes, almost. I'm not sure where this is leading me but I will follow along and see.

Thank you GrantCee
Beautiful! I really like how the pink is barely suggested in the dark background. ❤️❤️
Thank you Sno. I was going to call this flowers for Sno but I didn't want to put you on the spot of having to like it. Glad you did.
Nice, Wayne! They could also be winged creatures.
Have you ever shown us your knife/knives?
thank you Iain.

Thank you Lamar. yes, but here they are. I have about 12 different knives but I use these two almost exclusively.

I have about 12 different knives but I use these two almost exclusively.
Thanks, Wayne! I have a very small pointed knife that I use mainly for scratching into a paint or oil pastel surface.
I just noticed your pink bumblebee in the painting. Nice touch. :)