Flowers IX & X


old man
Flowers IX.jpg

Full Monte .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. painted Nov 12/23

Flowers X.jpg

Bits and Pieces. .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nove 12/23
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The flowers are wonderful! I like the softer BG and the scarf in the second.
Exciting and rich in the first. More calm and comforting with the scarf in the second. Story telling......
Thank you Jo…. It’s been a rich learning ground I have stumbled on by doing this plastic flower endeavour.
Great pair of more contrasts - the first is a colorful punch in the face, and the second is softer, with warming elements like the scarf, despite the cool tones.

Both are technically gorgeous. I seem to prefer the color punch in the face. But I'm like that. 🤪