Flowers XIII & XIV


old man
Flowers XIII.jpg

Reflections And Roses .. 11 x 14 inches ... oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nove 15/23

Flowers XIV.jpg

Melting into Melo .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nov 15/23
Beautiful - I'm loving those reds! These are both so lively, the bottom one almost seems to be bouncing! Fun stuff.
Those shimmering backgrounds add so much to all of your florals, Wayne. You could easily paint flat, monotone backdrops for all of these beauties but I'm glad you give them the environment they deserve!
Another two winners, Wayne. I'm really partial to that second one. Beautiful. ❤️ ❤️
Love the top one with all the energy, and who doesn't love a dark pink swirly rose? The bottom is your signature beauty. You never disappoint, Wayne. ;) ♥️