Flowers 2424


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted nov 24/24
I LOVE this light purple - it makes the whole painting just pop. Those touches, plus the light blue areas in the glass jar, make this one really sing. A beauty! ❤️
Firstly, thank you Sanlynn, Terri, Ayin, and Sno, Glad you get it enjoy it.
Oh I love this one, those little pink flowers just finish it off
.. to be honest, to me it is finished .. not too realistic, not too abstracted, a color show against a staggering array of greys which are switched on because of the color in the flower, vase, and weeds. You step up to the brightest bright and you can twirl in the lights or move off and go into the greys.

However, I am listening.
No suggestions from me, Wayne, other than find a nice frame! It really is a color show and no more details or fine tuning would improve it ( or so it seems to me.) The looseness really works and you do it sooooo well.
Firstly, thank you Sanlynn, Terri, Ayin, and Sno, Glad you get it enjoy it.

.. to be honest, to me it is finished .. not too realistic, not too abstracted, a color show against a staggering array of greys which are switched on because of the color in the flower, vase, and weeds. You step up to the brightest bright and you can twirl in the lights or move off and go into the greys.

However, I am listening.
That was a statement, not a command. The pink flowers DO finish it off.