Flitering Psyche ego


Well-known member
Flitering ego.jpg
Caught out in denial.
Caught out in that fleeting moment from a face of anxiety to a face of false "I'm okay" look.

My last drawing of this kind.
We humans do all sorts of strange things, even murder, to save face.

Losing Face . . .
Losing face.jpg

. . . exposes our ego, our false-self.
If we are brave to not pay attention to it, our true-self, our Inner Being, will take its place.
The ego is like the ghost in the machine.

During the first two years of human development, the mind becomes very busy trying to make sense of the world it is in. The mind gets all sorts of stimuli from the five human senses, and it's task is to make sense of it all. However, during this time the mind comes across a stumbling block. It cannot sense itself.

Though the human brain is a mass of nerves, it has no nerve endings of its own. It cannot feel itself. Nor can it make sense of itself. The mind, in its need to make sense of itself creates a self-fabricated story, based on its memories. It creates a fabricated identity story called "I, self, me". The two-year old becomes self aware; where often parents call it the 'terrible twos'.

Now, the mind knows that this self-identity is not valid, but only a story to believe in. Anything that may threaten its story, such as the truth, or any truth about self, is seen as a great threat. It is the human's primary fear; fear of losing it's self-identity. Even the mind expresses this when the threat becomes too unbearable - screaming out "I AM LOSING MY MIND!"

The mind is very busy, even subtly, trying to prove to itself that the false-story, or false-ego, is valid. For ever battling to gain validity or acknowledgement. "Look at me", "I know". "Listen to me!" "You don't understand". "Hear me out", "I'll show you", etc.

During all this time, the real Self, lays dormant, patient, having no ego to be bruised. It is humble, still, silently waiting for our false-ego to get off our stage for expression. For most people, the ego occupies that stage for the person's whole life. When our ego does become quiet and still, all our fears, such as boredom, etc., rush in to avoid its own truth as being invalid. The brave ones sit it out, and awaken.

The waken express what is true. Their Inner Being, our true authentic self is fearless, truthfilled, and loving; all of which is unconditional.
The false-ego still remains, but has learnt to remain still, quiet, and believes to be okay regardless.