Fine Print Resort


old man

11 x 14 inches oil on paper .. Alla \prima
.. when it was doing this old barn I remembered a time my wife and I went to this high end resort and later in the evening we put a log on the fireplace and settled in having a glass and getting romantic. Well, the log burned out and when I looked there were no others. I went down to the front desk to get a couple and was told the limit was one log per night per room. The place cost me a weeks salary for one night and I got one log. Man: talk about fine print.
Beautiful work Wayne. Sorry that you were only allowed one log. What a bitch. We work hard in this life and we only are allowed one measly log. Not right. I love this painting though. You are so good with light.
What a story! 😆 And a cheap policy, yes in fine print, cause they know it reveals them as cheap!

The painting is luscious. I like the coolness and the textures.
I like the rustic look and feel of this barn, Wayne. One log = one stay and no return visits!
thank you Arty, Trier, and Donna ... they would have sold me a cardboard log if I want to buy one. I would have paid for wood but not for cardboad. LOL .. you learn as you go ... and for sure you never go back where you had a bad experience ..
Great work on this piece Wayne.... good but unfortunate storyline too. I too like the palette as well.
(It's funny how some of the more expensive places have policies like the end it certainly costs them more than another log or 2 would have. (been there done that too and of course never returned)

thanks John .. everybody gets a bite along the way .. no biggie .. just found it funny how an old barn brought back those memories.