Fairlight, East Sussex, UK

Ellen Easton

Was Ellen E. on Wet Canvas
I decided to ask here if there's anyone here from Fairlight, East Sussex, UK or Battle UK but especially Fairlight. I had my DNA done awhile back. I never knew my father till I was 23 and he passed away when I was 25 but it turns out that his roots were so deep in the UK in Fairlight that they stretch clear back to the 1600's. My great-grandfather was from there and his wife was from Battle. He and his wife came to the US in 1880 and were pioneers to Oregon and this area. I've been wondering if there are any Eastons still in Fairlight but really have no way to find out. My mother's family were German and English, but my father's side is SOOOO British for so many centuries that if you look at the map where my DNA was traced, it goes from the Viking area, down through to Callais in France and then to Fairlight.
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