eleven dollars and eight minutes


Well-known member
this guy made an AI -- deep face clone of his LOOKS and VOICE. Then had CHATGPT create a fake lecture about start-ups to deliver. It cost him $11. to make and took eight minutes. SO if you can make something this good for that cheap in eight minutes --

That is really scary! Yes, I can see the unnatural moves in the blinks and the mouth at times, but if you hadn't told us, I could easily see being fooled. Imagine a jury dealing with this.
Impressively creepy! If I sort of unfocus while watching, the mouth movements stand out as strange. Yikes!
The thing that would give it away for me is that, while the head kept moving in a fairly natural way, the shirt never moved in the slightest.
I've been reading about this sort of thing lately though and that is how they fake so many thing the president and other famous people "say". It is quite scary because you know the technology will no doubt improve too.
so with a few clicks improvement the "ai world" will be indistinguishable from the "real" world as represented online.

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, etc. have all said that "ai" is what worries them the most. At the time I thought the fears were overstated, but I can see now where this has the potential to blow up the world as much - more in some ways - as an atom bomb.

Instead of a few nations having an "Ai-bomb" with "mutually assured destruction" keeping them from using it we will have hundreds -- thousands - tens of thousands - of bad actors each with an "ai-bomb" on their desk - with no restraints. We ain't seen nothing yet.

The question - will there be any way to stop it? Can anyone even speculate on a way to prevent it?
it's old news AI is simply the new pen ........

“The pen is mightier than the sword.”​

When you can no longer "believe what you see and hear", nor can you be totally sure that what's posted on websites or stated on TV is true, how can we function as a social group anymore? That's the real danger here. Otherwise it's just a bunch of cute tricks. But in this case it has seriously dangerous consequences for society. CGIs in movies were not a danger. You knew you were watching something "made up", just more convincing than the old painted stage sets, claymation or such. But this takes on a darker hue.
When you can no longer "believe what you see and hear", nor can you be totally sure that what's posted on websites or stated on TV is true, how can we function as a social group anymore? That's the real danger here. Otherwise it's just a bunch of cute tricks. But in this case it has seriously dangerous consequences for society. CGIs in movies were not a danger. You knew you were watching something "made up", just more convincing than the old painted stage sets, claymation or such. But this takes on a darker hue
Exactly. Up till now, we've seen how dangerous "fake" news can be, where photos are misattributed, quotes made up - and just out-and-out lies told. But now you will see what appears to be the actual person, voice, cadence, and you will have no way to verify what's true and what isn't - since both the real and the made-up will appear seamless.

This is a clear and present danger for every level of society, from consumer and political to global. And doesn't take a good skill set money or access to be a player.

Right now I have no doubt that there is an arms race among the unscrupulous to be among the first to hit hard and big before most know what hit them - to get the most money the most power while the pickins are easy.

I have not heard a defense proffered from anyone, anywhere.