Duveneck House


Well-known member
I struggled with this one, and the photo is off too. It shows the colors brighter than in real life, but haven't been able to get the right fix in Photoshop. This was yesterday's plein air at the Duveneck House at Hidden Villa in Cupertino, Ca. B. Charlow 2022. 12x9" pastel on Siena PastelMat.

Hidden Villa pastel 2022.jpg
I like the bright colors, Bart, and think they help the house stand out well from the trees. Is it the painter Frank Duveneck's house?
I like the bright colors, Bart, and think they help the house stand out well from the trees. Is it the painter Frank Duveneck's house?
That was the compositional intent, Donna. It's Frank's son's house, but they have several of Frank Sr.'s paintings in there.
This is great all around. I love rich colors.
I take photos of my pastels in direct sun and then the photos need very little correction.
Beautiful painting, I like the intense colors, much more than so-called "real life". :)
Thanks, Zen. By "real life" I meant the colors in the actual painting, not in the scene. I'm more of an Impressionist, so do not hold to fidelity to the scene at all. But what continues to disturb me is not being able to post a photo that's sufficiently faithful to the painting. I certainly know how to do it with the proper photography setup, which I no longer have available and don't want to invest in.
Thanks, Zen. By "real life" I meant the colors in the actual painting, not in the scene. I'm more of an Impressionist, so do not hold to fidelity to the scene at all. But what continues to disturb me is not being able to post a photo that's sufficiently faithful to the painting. I certainly know how to do it with the proper photography setup, which I no longer have available and don't want to invest in.
I hear you Bart, I have the same problem. I shoot mine with a digital and refine the image in Photoshop. I resign myself to considering that image as a separate entity than the painting...sort of a "non-fungible token"...in a size so small it's not worth downloading. ;)
The colors are so brilliant. It's a stand-out piece. :)
Well, thanks Ayin and everyone. Most people seem to be reacting here online and here in my area to the colors. Oddly, that's where I'm least satisfied, because I know what the house color actually is, so I guess I'm making the mistake of judging by perception of "accuracy".