Down By The Sea



11 x 14 inches .. little houses on the hill side in Nfld. I used a ref from a picture my SIL's vacation last month ..
alla prima .. painted July 26/22
Ditto what Jo said. I like that you didn't detail the houses so they read as shapes that fit into the land, sea and sky shapes.
Thank you CaliAnn, Jo, and Donna.
... the focal point is the forefront yellow grass and the center of interest is the small house elements. Once beyond the focal point, the eye is far less concerned with seeing detail and creates it's own.
Different from you lately. I love this! It cheers me up and I love the greens against the dark red rooftops. ♥️
This is gorgeous, Wayne! Seems a little different from your usual subjects but it's awesome! ❤️ Intense greens, terrific sky and your always-fantastic texture - what's not to love??
Thank you Joe and Terri. It was kind of a challenge and I used a mother color to keep the color related.