dick blick


Contributing Member
dick blick used to have relevant info re oil paint on the website. Now there's practically nothing.
Much was important. Anybody know why all that seems gone?
Did you mean the missing pigment info? I noticed that too. It does seem like they're restoring the lost pigment info now, although there are still some paints for which it's missing. I hope it will all be returned soon as it's so incredibly helpful to have the info so easily available when making paint choices.
They used to have everything at the first click--pigment info,
Pigment Name Pigment Type Chemical Name Chemical Formula Properties, permanence, toxicity, history, even alternate names and a large unencumbered photo of it. They have added the Material safety data info, which is nice.
I haven't looked at much, I won't be buying paint for a long time, but I sure like the previous site better.