Couple of Small Abstracts


Same triad palette as the landscapes .

8 x 10 oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Jan 1/22

5 x 7 oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. paintied Jan 1
Nice ones, Wayne. I think I prefer the second one a little more than the first but I'm not sure why. Maybe because the colors are softer and the mood is quieter.
Lovely palettes on each. I do find the top one to have more visual punch, the second is softer, more serene.

Beautiful textures here, as always, Wayne. ❤
Thank you Terri .
actually I paint them and study them here. Each time I look I see more of the story.

The blue palette seems to tell me something is happening here, I know it, now where and what. Mystery, maybe romance.
The Warm palette seems to speak of a child and a dog and when I see that the old barn and house appear out of seemingly nowhere and her father is near should she need him.
I also prefer the first. Those colours are fantastic. You have that thing for red in special places.
Thank you Ayin and Susan ..
Susan. I like that you got the sculpture feel. I'm slowly finding my corner stones.

I did a puzzle with my wife over the past 4 days and as I had not done one since my teens it was quite an awakening. What a remarkable tool to help one hone one's eye for color, transition, and shape.