Couple For The Road


old man


both are 11 x 14 .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. brush/knife .. painted 29/11/21 .. reference from photos I took on my Nfld. trip a few years ago.

I wanted to see if I could do a painting a day for the month of Nov and today is the last day of the month. I have painted 38 pieces and admittedly, most are garbage bin, but I did get a few decent pieces and I got a whole lot of learning from the experience. All pieces were 11 X 14. I'm sure I will add one more to the number today as I have not visited my studio yet today.

Gorgeous use of colour here and as Snowball mentioned the light effect on the first piece just makes it dance.
Very nice.
thanks Sno .. Vincent's Dance
Thanks John .. no r in Wayne ..
Thank you Jessie .. Vincent influence no doubt
Thank you Queen .. it's that yellow/blue showdown
That top one is seriously calling to me, Wayne! ❤️ The palette is popping there!

Your "last one for November" is have those Monet sky palettes down pat. The knife is very evident here and I just love the texture. A beauty!!
You have painted some incredible paintings in one month! Congrats! These are beauties and like the others said the sky in the first one is gorgeous! I really like the one from today too - the light moving across the sky is as worthy a subject as the trees!
Thank you Terri..Monet who? 🤣

Thank you Donna .. the last one I simply made up as my reference pictures were used up.

Thanks Jo. I actually surprised myself. 39 ... I think if I had money I could paint myself into a breakdown from fatigue. 🤕
The most prolific artist on the face of the earth! These are amazing. The top one has amazing light and color. The last has a lot of interest because of the limited palette. I wouldn't be able to choose if I had to. The second one is wonderful on its own too. You kill me.
Thank you Ayin.

I wanted to see if I could do a painting a day for the month of Nov and yesterday was the last day of the month. I had painted 38 pieces and admittedly, most are garbage bin, but I did get a few decent pieces and I got a whole lot of learning from the experience. All pieces were 11 X 14 inches. Make that 39 pieces adding the one I did yesterday.
I can't even do that many in a whole year Wayne. I am so embarrassed to admit. :( But it makes me want to go count now.

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EDIT: Wow, I only completed nineteen in 2020. So far, I've done twenty-one in 2021. I know I can finish at least one, maybe two more this year. I never count drawings or preliminary sketches, but what does that matter? How do I justify this slow-ass output? :(
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Thank you Zen

Ayin: my way of trying to gain quality by studies of quantity. After all, we learn through mistakes when we teach ourselves.

Just saw your edit. It's easily justified. It's not the count it's the time you are aware that counts.
A very impressive collection that you have created for the month, Wayne, Congratulations.
These last few have an extremely appealing palette as well your usual well thought out composition and great execution.