City At Night ..


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife/brush .. painted Dec 19/21
Decided I need to stretch .. get tired painting the same old thing over and over. So being as I don't normally add people
I added 4 for good measure and then decided how much I need to translate the scene. I am aware of the old comp thing where you add uneven numbers but that is just a dumb old rule by some dumb ass artist. The one on the left balances the ones on the right .. a speck of green can control a mass of red .. so many exceptions to so called rules. Anyway, it's all in the name of learning as I consider what I do studies. Paintings are well planned out and executed to fine measures. I'm too lazy for that as it takes the fun out of experimenting.
Very nice and the play of dark versus light works well ...great added touch with the people which gives an entirely new perspective to your work. Great job.

I think this came out really well. It's fun to take an adventure on those
side roads sometimes.
I wrote this quote by Ian Roberts in my sketchbook a long time ago: "Aiming for perfection takes the life out of expression." You did a great job with expression here and your spirit of adventure shows in this!
Thank you John. Fun when you don't get predisposed with likeness

Thanks Ayin. It opened a door or two.

Thanks Perry. Absotulely right. Nothing ventured: nothing gained.

Thanks Iain.

Thank you Donna. That quote is fab. Knowledge in a nutshell where the shell has been removed. Glad to see such blazes on the trail.

Thanks Jo

Thanks rodhlann
Ooo, this one has some darkness and mystery to it - I love your added people! Glad you decided to step into something different since it brought this excellent result.

More, please. ❤