Chicken Little Project


Contributing Member
Have decided to create a Granny Jen version. First character thoughts.

Granny Jens Chicken Little
Did you ever hear of Chicken Little, how she disturbed a whole neighborhood by her foolish alarm?
Well, Chicken Little was running about on Granny Jen's Farm, where she had no business to be : she ran under a mango tree -bush, and a mango fell on her tail ; so she was dreadfully frightened, and ran away to Hen Pen.
" O Hen Pen," said she, " the sky is falling ! " Why, Chicken Little, how do you know it ? "
Have decided to create a Granny Jen version. First character thoughts.
View attachment 27257
Granny Jens Chicken Little
Did you ever hear of Chicken Little, how she disturbed a whole neighborhood by her foolish alarm?
Well, Chicken Little was running about on Granny Jen's Farm, where she had no business to be : she ran under a mango tree -bush, and a mango fell on her tail ; so she was dreadfully frightened, and ran away to Hen Pen.
" O Hen Pen," said she, " the sky is falling ! " Why, Chicken Little, how do you know it ? "
More characters ... Dashing Dasha, my granddaughter, the dancing duck. Found these harder to generate. Too many cartoon ducks competing for space.
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More characters ... Dashing Dasha, my granddaughter, the dancing duck. Found these harder to generate. Too many cartoon ducks competing f I r space.View attachment 27265
More Chicken Little. No Foxy Loxy ... there will be Terrific
Tuffy, my little fella. And, a platypus! Somewhere. Somehow. Maybe Hilarious Helen, another Granddaughter. Lots more work to go. But, I'll wait for 2023 to start that. Happy New Year everyone.
Happy New Year, Jennie! These are all fantastic characters. Great fun!

Hope you have a wonderful New Year. 🥳 🎉
Thanks. 6.10am day 2 '23. I'm on a roll.

Best wishes for 2023, to you too 🥳 . Looking forward to being more 'here' this year.
These are all fantastic!!!! I love each and every one of them. You have something really special here! ♥️
Thanks Artyczar. I am a bit excited about. Can't wait to see what I can do with them. Have done a lot of 'computer art', not interested in going back to that. So, still so much to learn and perfect to get them into something that can go into a book.