Burrowing Owl


Burrowing Owl.jpg

9x6 watercolor and Brusho wc crystals on Canson 140 lb cold press done last week, a wildlife bird over a used paper backing sheet.
C&C welcome.
This looks great Kay ....I really like the colours you incorporated into this beautiful painting. Fabulous!

John :)
Love it! This background is its own little work of art - just eye candy. Your cute, chubby little owl settles in perfectly. Beautiful!
Oh hes so cute Kay! And I really like the background too, its kind of surrounding him but hes in it too! Lovely work!
I love it! The owl is brilliant and I love the effect of all the marks - they're even in the same colours as your subject! I do feel like the background is staring at me though :)
Very cool. You got the expression just right. Overall this reminds me a little of the work of the sadly late Nick Simmons, one of the best and most successful water media artists ever to come out of WC.
Great little painting, regardless of what it's on. The eye in the background just adds an air of mystery to it. ❤️