Bluegill. Pentel oil pastels.


Well-known member
Gave the new set of Pentels a try. They're comparable to the other cheap pastels I have. Just gives me enough colors to work with.
I'm not to happy with it but still learning. Its 8.5"x5.5"


The colors are a little off because I lacked greenish yellows and still haven't mastered layering to get the right color.
My main problem so far though is as the sticks change shape my marks end up not going where I want them and then then i end up smudging the colors together.
This is nice! I think you did a great job with the colors considering you don't have that many. I don't use oil pastels and am always amazed at how the colors can be blended. Maybe someday you can try them on a sanded surface to see if layering colors might be easier.
I don't use oil pastels either. I think you are getting the hang of them. This has great form, color and shapes in my eye.
Congrats on the new oil pastels! It's so nice to see you jump right in. These colors are bright and you did a fine sketch here with your bluegill. You're off to a great start!