

Well-known member
Well, I'm being quite the little chatterbox these days!
And because I like to TALK about my process and thoughts, beware of an incoming boatload of boring words...

Unlike most of you (it seems), what I mostly do are figures, but they’re not usually realistically painted. Like, I don’t “do” portraits. I also think its odd that I’ve latched onto The Humans as my painting subject matter considering that when I take photos, I never take pictures of people. Not interested. I don’t generally like to read/watch biographies. And the times I’ve been in therapy was because people in my life have gotten on my nerves in such a way that I didn’t know how to deal with them. TMI? Basically, I’m kind of antisocial (but not shy at all) and I just usually find people...annoying. Plus, I’m very mad and disgusted at our species these days. Sorry, I’ll never win any Miss Congeniality contests and I don’t revere, adore or gush very well. (Just putting that out there for those of you who don’t know me...)

Anywaaaaaayyyyyyy......during the last 37 years of painting, I really never tried to do a simple “serious,” regular, portrait-style painting. So I decided I'd find internet pictures (probably a lawsuit waiting to happen so...shhhhh!), and chose 20 women who, IMO, had interesting faces. I tried to find young and old and different races and types. I painted them in the usual way I like to paint, which is “stylized,” meaning....sometimes, I’ll get lost in lines or shapes and focus on that as being the most important part. I didn’t want to have to deal with skin tones so they’re all “the same,” and I knew I wanted to use a very flat smooth liquid acrylic for the backgrounds, in blue(ish) tones. I used 10x10 raw basswood panels (I think maybe the smallest works I’ve ever done) with those deep 3” gallery sides. It’s (they’re) called “BlueBirds.”

They say: Tweet! Chirp!

85e. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg
85d. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg
85h. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg
85i. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg

85b. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg
85c. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg

85f. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg
85g. originals, bluebirds, detail.jpg

85j. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg
85k. original, bluebirds, detail.jpg

I say: Feel free to throw in your own “face work.” I don’t mean bodies that have faces attached...but rather, where the focus is on THE FACE. I’d love to see and hear about YOUR people and why you wanted to paint them. Or...why you don’t.
all this is so beautiful that it hurts.

I think Cara Delevingne has been quite, very portrayed but perhaps never in such a beautiful work.
they are all exceptional portraits, fantastic style, cleanliness and how they then reflect the mood of the moment or personality.

thanks for sharing.
Olive, these are every one just super beautiful. I love your stylized way of painting. I always recognize your work. ❤ ❤ ❤
Thanks, to both Sno and Joe.
I rhymed!

I think that Cara is a young actress (correct?) but which one is she?? (Haha....) I tried to avoid using “famous people” and I thought the only one I painted was Pina Bausch (dancer). She’s the women with the hand against her face, smoking a cig.
yes, yes, she is a young actress, together with her modeling career in recent years she has started acting in some films and series.

the number 12 :).
however each work is wonderful and the style unique.
these portraits, tell emotion, seem to say so much of every moment caught, of every person represented that,
every choice seems perfect and goes beyond fame or characters, storytelling, anime photographers.
there are all the things in these works (things that I don't know very well but they mean that portraits are among the things, subjects that are nice to admire, they love to admire and speaking small, so they make me think that it is nice to draw and push me to try) things for which portraits are so special.
your style and all the works are just beautiful
Ahhh....the eyebrow girl. Yes, she (or this picture) mesmerized me...and her eyes look like a mask.

I was wondering if I liked one better than another and really, I don’t. Because they’re so small, I was up close and personal with each for as long as each painting took. And I can say I enjoyed gazing into ALL their faces.

Thanks again for your nice words. You’re such a paisano sweetie. (I’m Italian, too!)
the eyebrow girl. :), she, yes.
I'm glad you don't have a favorite, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who wouldn't know how to choose,
no, why, and that they are all really fantastic, unique, each one tells a story, move (emoziona ),

thanks for the kind words :), but
thank you so much to you for sharing them, which are exciting and beautiful works.
Quite impressive .. you run the table; attitude, fear, anger, wisdom, shyness, surprise, don't care, etc , ... beautiful expressions of life not overpowered with color and dress.
I love love these!
Well, I'm being quite the little chatterbox these days!
And because I like to TALK about my process and thoughts, beware of an incoming boatload of boring words...
anything you care to share about your painting process I would love to hear.
Thanks all. Nice words are embarrassing to hear, but still, nice.

I was just thinking I wanted to paint women who might not be thought of as “traditionally” beautiful. Like all the glass wearers and big nosers, those with crazy eyes and wild hair, or those considered too wrinkly or the wrong color. It’s an attempt at a kind of “shout out” to all my sistahs...who I simply, love. 💗
OH My gawd...these are absolutely incredible. I love them all, and in the grouping, I feel like they have to be shown together for maximum impact. They are so strong by themselves, but together it's like a slug to the face with intense beauty and intrigue. I love your stylization. I always have. The limited palette makes them speak volumes. I think about your process and how you came to choose each person's face.

I don't have too many faces of my own. I haven't done them since I was young, but there were certain things that attracted me, a "flaw" in their nose, or a beautiful pigment in their skin, their eyes, the way their make up was worn. I could never be sure. They could never be compared to yours because I was just a beginner then, so Id be too embarrassed to post them.
Wonderful collection! I feel you have captured the essence of the person and the emotion behind the gaze. Very, very well drawn.
Everyone one of them is different and beautiful. You have captured something special in every single one of them.