Blue Day


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. painted June 10/24
This is beautiful, Wayne. The yellow against the blue-gray is striking. Vase turned out great too. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Sno, Donna, Terri, and Bart.
Yellow is the compliment of purple but it sure works well with blue and a kiss of purple.
Thank you Ayin. I like the piece but I need to find my voice: my language of expression. I seem to be stuck in the craft of painterly and that room is very crowed these days. I say craft because it’s just a blueprint and anyone can learn it and then paint the same picture for life. Seems to me to be like music…same notes expressed differently but it’s the same song. I guess I am getting bored. 🤪

Thanks Jo.
I think I understand. I feel this way a lot of the time myself. In some ways. But isn't it good that the way you paint is your signature style and differentiates you from the rest? Do you feel like you need to change subject matter or how you're painting?
Thank you Ayin. I think my new excursion into color fascinates my mind right now. It’s like a new world has opened so I am content again.
Thank you Ricardo,
not very often. I used to on my wood panels but these days I paint on paper and I found that a wash of acrylic made the paper curl where oil paint doesn’t but it takes too long to dry. What I do, and did on this one, was use a lot of greyed down blues and purples and then used mostly pure hues on the flowers. Lately I have employed the mother color.
Mother color application.
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