Blue Arctic Butterfly - in progress


Active member
I was going to do a mixed media piece of some capybaras as a gift for my mom, but I just couldn't get into it, and my idea for it wasn't really working. So I'm doing a butterfly inspired by the blue arctic butterfly for her instead. This is going to be a fully rendered pastel pencil drawing on fabric. Once I finish the drawing, I want to try adding some variety of blue, purple, and/or green beads, pendants, and/or buttons onto the butterfly in an effort to get it to "pop" by giving it more depth, texture, and color. I'm hoping I can get the sewing part to work, though I won't know for sure until I get to that point.

Pastel on fabric is such an innovative technique! It is beautiful already, Steph, and it will be great to see where you take it.
Thanks Donna and Jo ❤️ I'm not quite sure how it will turn out, but thankfully sewing is pretty forgiving so I'll have multiple chances
Great idea! Looks like you're off to a good start with your butterfly. This blue is gorgeous!

Will be watching your progress with pleasure.
Thanks! Pastels always have such vibrant color. 😌

Here's where I'm at as of today. I have one wing section (upper left) finished but still working on the other three. Background trees are definitely going to take some time... but the grass should go fast! I'm going to try to keep some of the original fabric visible in the background behind the trees and maybe grass so it's not totally lost behind the pastel.

Steph, I have been following this but was just able to comment now. This is exceptionally creative idea, with the multimedia. Will this be framed to protect it? The shades of blue are really appealing! There is so much cutesy butterfly stuff out there, so usually I am not interested in them, but this has changed my mind! I also looked at your website and blog, and was incredibly impressed with your work.
Steph, I have been following this but was just able to comment now. This is exceptionally creative idea, with the multimedia. Will this be framed to protect it? The shades of blue are really appealing! There is so much cutesy butterfly stuff out there, so usually I am not interested in them, but this has changed my mind! I also looked at your website and blog, and was incredibly impressed with your work.
Thanks Joy, this means so much to hear. And yes, definitely! While the cotton fabric holds the pastel surprisingly well, there's no way this piece could survive without a frame just due to the amount of hair and dust specks that would get caught in it. As long as the bead/button portion works, I'll put it in some type of shadow frame. It's 12 x 12 inches, though I might mat it. Still deciding!