Blow Me Down Park


old man

an area in a local park on the Western Shores of Nfld. Blow Me Down Provincial Park .. windy place
11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. brush/knife .. painted 28/11/21
Lovely, beautiful colors in this (again), but I like this best. The sky and water are especially wonderful and play off the rest just so perfectly IMO. I also love the more delicate lines (branches) that hold up the trees. Really great Wayne!
Lovely, beautiful colors in this (again), but I like this best. The sky and water are especially wonderful and play off the rest just so perfectly IMO. I also love the more delicate lines (branches) that hold up the trees. Really great Wayne!
Thank you Ayin ..
I am slow but I get there. I can see what I am leaning toward but it's nothing I can hold or describe. Makes sense to me but that's me.
Jessie .. you loved it so much you replied twice. Ain't that something. Thank you. 😄
Thank you Queen. The sky I thought was a strong point on this one but I get a kick of how it looks almost chiseled out of stone.
Another spectacular sky! You're killing it lately with these. Amazing work! 👏
Wayne, I agree this has such a wonderful feeling ...I find I am just drawn right into this rustic beauty. Wonderful left to right flow in this piece with great depth portrayal as well.