Belle a yellow Labrador


Active member
We went to visit my Brother and Sister-in-law a number of years ago. My sister-in-law pulled me aside and asked if I would do a picture of their dog Belle as a surprise for my brother-in-law. I took a bunch of reference pictures while we were there and once home I went through them to find the nicest composition. I decided on the one I am presenting. It is 13 x 15 inches and is done with Prismacolor pencils on white Stonehenge paper. It took about 35 hours to complete from the initial sketch, transferring and coloring. I took pictures of the work-in-progress so I'm including a few of those along with the finished piece.


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What an incredible piece. Lovely doggie, and wonderful light and shadow too. Applause!!! ♥️
Unbelievably awesome! (And I only use "awesome" about once year, so I have used up my self-imposed allotment early.) Really, an award winning piece. It must have taken hours to do. Kudos to you.
Gorgeous! Oh they both will be so pleased. What a keepsake!
Thank you for sharing the stages of your work. Great to see.