Beagle in Watercolor


Contributing Member
This was done for a challenge. It is on Arches 140 CP, 8 x 10.

Penny, thank you. Your dog portraits are so outstanding and your opinion is very valuable to me. I thought the BG was much too dark when I painted it first. But I decided to forge ahead with the rest of the painting, as the ears are quite dark in value. Once I had the very darkest value son, the BG did not look as bad to me.

Wayne, thank you. Although he looks a wee bit guilty of something to me. ;)
John, Jo, Kay - thank you all for the encouragement and taking time to comment. :)
This is fantastic Joy! And your techniques here are super impressive. I'm blown away by this one. One of your bests!!! ❤️
Fantastic painting Joy! He does have a guilty look! I think that's what I love about it so much! ❤️
Joy, this is a beautiful watercolor! All your colors are so clear, and the eyes are so crisp. Excellent handling of the media - I'm super impressed!
Kay, Terri, your comments really made me feel good! :giggle: Using quality paper really helped.