Autumn birches


Active member
16 x 24 oil on canvas. Thanks for looking and any c and c!
Oh, wow, wow, wow. Your paintings are like technicolour. That birch is so stunning it could almost be an Indonesian one, if I didn't know better. That looks a beautiful spot. Is from life?
I like the background trees and midground light. The blue of the water seems quite dark in value and high chroma compared to the sky. Blue of water is usually a slightly darker value than upper sky. Some photos can exaggerate the chromas.
Thank you kindly Arty, you are too kind!
Thank you too, Wayne and Desforges.
Sno, thank you so much - how pleased am I!
Patrick, thank you for your comment and critique - yes I think it needs a revision - it is not quite as extreme irl and in the photo, however. - thank you also for your kind comment!