Attempt to Capture the Spirit of Paul Cézanne | Still Life with Quince, Apples, and Pears


old man
Cezanne Still Life.jpg

11 ins by 10 inchs .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Mar 05/24
an attempt to get the spirit of as I don't have the colors he had I had to improvise and my strokes are my strokes so I did not overly try to use his only similants. Well, that's as close as I ever got .. a google search of my image brings up Cezannes. :cool:

FotoSketcher - Cezanne Still Lifefff.jpg
Thank you Bart, John, and Sno. It was a fun learning experience. I think he had a Prussian blue and a CAD Yellow that I didn’t.
Thanks Bongo. I guess I could tell someone that I found a painting in my attic that I think is valuable and show them the Cézanne online after I showed them mine. Of course I’d have to copy the signature but that would be easy. It would be funny if I had someone take the bait. 😂
This is beautiful! ❤️ And you may have found inspiration from Cezanne but he didn't paint this - you did. Many of the greats have a certain similarity in their use of textures, outlines, and of course they all were using the same available paints back then.

This is glorious, and suits your loose approach very well. Fabulous work!