Arabia Mountain tree (tissue paper image transfer)


Supporting Member
Here is a larger version of a recent attempt with this. I described the image transfer process here. I used the same image, but pretty much kept the whole thing and only tore it down to about 6x8".

On a 9x12" canvas, I painted Dioxazine purple. Found it too dark, so I added some white and quick-brushed around the margins to lighten it up. I glued a torn background down and glued the tissue paper transfer on to that.

Arabia Mountain tree.jpg

Sorry for the light glare in this photo - it's been overcast for days and hard to get a shot without turning on some lights. This one came together quicker than the small one - I like this wrinkly process. Thanks for looking! :)
Interesting. It looks as if it’s a piece of rawhide over canvas. Nice use of compliments.
Thank you, Wayne! ❤️ Until you mentioned it, I didn't see how much the paper looks like rawhide. All those wrinkles from the tissue paper...

Now I'll have to chew on rawhide as a possible receptor. :LOL:
This is amazing, Terri! The wrinkly background adds so much depth and interest. I like the aged look too, it has character.
I'm happy you're enjoying these, Moscatel - thank you for all the kind words! ❤️