Another small painting of a large scene


Well-known member
4x6 inches

Having fun with these. I never paint this small. Just got a 1/2" cats tongue brush which I really like. It's all I used here. It has a really good fine point that could used as a rigger also. C&C welcome.

This is so tranquil and beautiful. It may be small but it’s a great piece, John!
Beautiful, John! So light and lovely. I love your soft palette, it suits this very well. If you're having fun with the smaller sizes, keep going! ❤️
Another wonderfully executed piece, John. I am a sucker for seeing the watercolor blends in these colors especially. I love this! ♥️
John, beautiful work! Reminds me of the landscapes I see in the northern Norway when I'm on my pleinair trips there. You have a correct way to approach a landscape! Love it! I have cat tongue brushes, too and like them a lot.
Love the moody sky and the feeling of mixed waters/textures on the sea. Can't really make much sense of the pencil lines on the sea, but I suppose they were intended initially and later decided best ignored, which is OK as well.
I do also like small sketchbooks. They are handy for carrying when traveling and being smaller allow for quicker finishing off a sketch (which is essential during a hurried sightseeing with more people). I have a few Talens Art Creation pocket ones that work acceptably well for watercolor.
Any way, love the result.
That's a really nice one. Sort of abstract, yet realistic. ❤️ I love cat's tongue brushes, but they turn into filberts too quickly on canvas.:giggle: