Another loose one


Well-known member
A quick one of Hexenstieg - climb of the withes. I walk up those steps pretty much every day, some 300 steps.


And a photo, not showing many steps though.

Loose and lively! Thanks for showing the reference - I like to see how you interpreted it. The red rail makes the greens even more vibrant!
Loose and lively! Thanks for showing the reference - I like to see how you interpreted it. The red rail makes the greens even more vibrant!

Thank you Donna. I look at the reference mostly when I do the under drawing in pencil. Then pretty much put down any colour I like. Hence the red rail :)
Wow! That's a lot of steps. You must be very fit.
I like the way you have painted the steps, handrail, and parapet.
Very nice shapes. I can appreciate it better because of the photo. The only very small change I would make is where the trees meet the sky on the upper left and form a small point that points out of the picture. The contrast of the dark sky against the white area draws my attention instead of the focal point, the railing and steps. It was a great idea to make the railing red.

We stair walk nearby daily at home. Up and down our three flights thirty times, plus whatever we do for daily life.
Wow! That's a lot of steps. You must be very fit.
I like the way you have painted the steps, handrail, and parapet.
Well they do keep me from being too unfit :) My kids go to school up on the hill and I pick up the small one.
Very nice shapes. I can appreciate it better because of the photo. The only very small change I would make is where the trees meet the sky on the upper left and form a small point that points out of the picture. The contrast of the dark sky against the white area draws my attention instead of the focal point, the railing and steps. It was a great idea to make the railing red.

We stair walk nearby daily at home. Up and down our three flights thirty times, plus whatever we do for daily life.

That is an insightful comment Joy. Thank you. I might go back and change it up a bit :) Stair walking is great exercise I think. Keep it up :)