Another Abandoned Place


Abandoned Farm.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 02/24 .. I must make a habit of getting a ref picture each time I see one. They make interesting subjects and always leave my mind ajar.
Thanks Jo. Something about aged things. Must be I’m an old man and relate. 🙂
It’s a fixer upper and it would be great if someone wanted to save it. There’s a quiet dignity to this one.
It manages to look desolate but inviting at the same time! I agree with Donna: it's waiting for someone to step in and give it some love.

Really nice work here, Wayne. ❤️
I love this! ❤️ ❤️ Makes me want to get my metal detector and go walk around it and explore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . next Spring.;)
Interesting thought. Thank you Sno. I would love to have the right to go in and reclaim the wooden base boards and trim. The old days used real wood and not cardboard.
Wonderful painting, this one. I love everything about it. I can't decide what is my favorite part of it--the barn or the sky. ♥️
Thank you Puapka. yes, I see it drift in and around the old places when it was new.
Well done on the atmosphere in this one. There is something about these old, dilapidated buildings. I always want to reverse time and see it as something just constructed and then witness the goings on within it.
Thanks Sanlynn. I wonder why. No descendents, loan problems, depression. What made them walk away if they didn't pass away.