Animals in air dry clay


Active member
Hello, after years of painting animals in acrylics on canvas I started a new hobby during the corona lockdown. Sculpting animals in air dry clay, this was my second try after a very frustrating first try some years ago. But now it works, thanks to youtube and some facebook forums. So here are my fist five scultpures, the tricolor collie is my recent work. Hope you like it. Ruth


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I certainly do like them. Very creative and excellent work. I hope you continue working in clay.
Well, look at these beauties! I love them all, especially the fox. It looks like you've got all kinds of potential for this new medium. Well done!
Beautiful! I particularly like the fox and the squirrel.
I'm not familiar with air-dry clay, but it looks like you have a way with it.
These are all really good Ruth! I love the squirrel and the fox. I hope to see more of these! :)
Oh, wonderful! I especially love the collies and fox. They are precious! :) Really well-done efforts indeed! You aced it.
Very cute.
It is strange that I had in mind air drying clay, me too in the last year, as it doesn't need any other equipment like oven (however I did nothing other than buying some clay).
Did you use acrylic colors to paint the clay pieces?
The fine details are impressive, Ruth. I can appreciate what it must have taken to make these, because I used air dry clay only once to make a ballet dancer, but completely in white.
The fine details are impressive, Ruth. I can appreciate what it must have taken to make these, because I used air dry clay only once to make a ballet dancer, but completely in white.
First you have to figure out how to handle the material, but once this is done it's not so difficult to build fine details in air dry clay. Like painting I work in layers and let the figure completely dry after each session. You can always add some clay to the dry model and it doesn't crack so fast.
Very cute.
It is strange that I had in mind air drying clay, me too in the last year, as it doesn't need any other equipment like oven (however I did nothing other than buying some clay).
Did you use acrylic colors to paint the clay pieces?
Yes I used acrylic colours for painting. They are fluid and this works very well. I first prime the figure in one color and then paint in thin layers of color over it. This works the best for me.